Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. As believers in Jesus, we are on a mission to point people to Him and are called to steward the finances God gives us toward that end.
If you attend Community of Grace, then this is simply another avenue to serve in a way God has called us to. One of the primary ways we serve God is by cheerfully giving God our “firstfruits” (2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9). In the New Testament Jesus reinforces the tithe in Matthew 23:23. He recognized the importance in keeping the tithe and we should as well. There is another principle to be noted; our money reflects our heart (Matthew 6:21). We thank those who help us meet the needs and pray that God would help us to use every gift for the furtherance of The Gospel. God bless you as we serve Him Together in all that He has called us to do.
**When giving online, we kindly ask you include your first and last name for your end of year reports.