
The Elders are members of the congregation who oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They provide counsel to the Senior Pastor regarding the major financial commitments of the church. The Elders serve as Non-staff Elders.

  • Joel and Catherine Bundick have been a part of Community of Grace since 2009. Joel is lead pastor of COG, and Catherine teaches middle school language arts. Catherine also works with the children’s ministry, and she leads Grace Girls, a ministry for third through fifth grade girls. Both Joel and Catherine are passionate about relationships, especially helping people develop their relationship with Jesus.

  • Bob Cale has been active in many areas of Community of Grace since he and his wife Judy became members in 2002. Now retired, he and Judy taught for over thirty years, including two years in western Australia and four in Brazil. Bob enjoys fishing, target shooting, archery, and traveling the United States and the world with his wife.

  • Roger Chandler


    Roger Chandler has been a Community of Grace member since 2013, and he and his wife Kathleen have two grown sons. One of the things Roger most enjoys about being an elder is having the opportunity to “do life” with others. He enjoys working around the house, running, camping, and getting in the occasional round of golf. He also volunteers for numerous political campaigns and think tanks. 

  • Ben Durkee and his wife Jeannette have been at COG since August of 2017. Ben is a pilot by trade and has been flying for over 20 years. Currently he works for a charter company, but in the past he flew in Kenya with Mission Aviation Fellowship. Ben enjoys spending time with his family; he and Jeanette have seven kids ranging from 16 – 26 years old. He also enjoys playing board games and shooting guns. One of Ben’s more unusual hobbies is panning for gold, making him a valuable friend in more ways than one. He enjoys watching people grow in Christ and is looking forward to that being a part of his experience as an elder at COG.   

  • Joe Eichenseer


    Joe and Amy Eichenseer and their family joined Community of Grace in 2011, and they are active in youth ministry, worship ministry, and with the media team. Outside of COG, Joe is a practice director in a software consulting firm that he’s worked at since his family moved to Colorado in 1999. Among other things, they were drawn to COG by the comfortable feeling of family that the community exudes along with the seemingly instinctual understanding that Joe isn’t a chatter box - and didn’t push him to be one. Amy and Joe have 2 sons in college but still help out with their kids’ high school band program. 

  • Kevin Fisher


    Kevin Fisher became a member of COG in December of 2018, along with his wife Sandy. They have three adult children and live with their daughter Wendy, son-in-law Josh, and granddaughter Daisha, who has special needs. They have a nonprofit called Daisha's Accessible Acres whose purpose is to create a place for people of all abilities to come and learn, enjoy and play on a farm. Kevin works full-time and then comes home to chores on the farm but in the free time that he has, he enjoys playing golf.

  • Tom King


    Tom King, along with his wife Anna and their two children, became a part of Community of Grace in 2012. Tom and Anna have served overseas with the International Mission Board. Currently they work with students, Tom with international students at an area college and Anna as a secondary teacher at a Christian school. Tom has a passion for apologetics and current events. 

  • Tom Wager


    Tom Wager and his wife Deb have been members of Community of Grace since 2018, after they moved to Colorado from rural South Dakota. They were attracted to COG’s commitment to biblical truth and its focus on service and relationship. Tom has worked as an electronics technician for the Federal Aviation Administration for the past 30 years; previously he was a Coast Guardsman, with the honor of serving on the USCG Barque Eagle, a three masted sailing ship used to train Coast Guard Academy cadets.